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Welcome to the New Zealand Piano Tuners & Technicians Guild

Grand piano picture

The Guild is a non-profit organization which aims to uphold and raise standards of excellence in the piano service industry for the benefit of piano owners nationwide.



The Guild has an association with the Australian technicians' guild, the APTTA. There is a regular exchange of ideas, speakers and exam standards between technicians of the two countries, as well as regular communication with other international piano technician organizations and industry spokespeople.

The PTTGNZ maintains a membership list which is accessible to the public. PTTG members adhere to the ethical and technical standards set by the Guild for the benefit of both the public and the technicians.

You can see our list of members  here.

For enquiries

For enquiries about the New Zealand PTTG, its members or its practises please contact the President Brad MacClure or the Secretary David Salmon

All our members adhere to the PTTGNZ Code of Ethics. This document provides guidelines and standards that Registered Technician members are required to adhere to, both technical and ethical.

PTTG: Peace of Mind

"Our guild exists to give customers peace of mind when choosing a piano technician or dealing with service issues. All our members adhere to a code of ethics that ensures a good standard of service and workmanship that the public can rely on"  
David Salmon, president 2012-2015

Professional developement

The guild meets several times per year. One of the objectives is to provide all members with ongoing professional development in the form of technical workshops, exposure to international speakers, industry presentations and dissemination of the latest developments in piano technology.

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