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A brief history

The Piano Tuners & Technicians Guild of New Zealand Inc


The Inaugural Meeting was held on 8th October 1980, chaired by the late Jim Ashen. Mrs Robyn McElroy was appointed Secretary/Treasurer, a

position she held for thirteen years. In these early days a member could be a tuner, a technician, or a tuner/technician.


 In 1981 a Standards Committee was established within the Guild to determine eligibility of those applying for membership. This committee comprised two tuners and one technician, plus the Guild Chairman.


Owen Mathiesen was the Guild Chairman for three years from 1983, during which time Jim Ashen was made a life member. 


During 1986, 1987 and 1988, while Wim Houtman was Chairman, a Code of Ethics was introduced and adopted. The idea of holding a Convention in New Zealand was first mooted, and generally agreed to be in the too hard basket. It was also during 1988 that the possibility of linking with the Australian Association was first discussed at length.


Don Mclntosh was Chairman for two years, followed by Ross Sims for two years. During this time Owen Mathiesen was made a life member.


At the 13th AGM in 1993 Owen Bennett was elected Chairman, and Jean Bennett appointed Secretary/Treasurer. In 1994 the Associate membership category was deleted, and Associate members advised to apply for full membership. The tuning and bench tests were combined and redrafted, modelled on the Australian system with graphed tunings assessed electronically as well as aurally. Dialoque was initiated with the NZ

Qualifications Authority in an endeavour to have our tested and certificated members recognised by Government as officially qualified. Although after exhaustive efforts this has not yet come to pass, we are now consulted by NZQA to assess the qualifications of intending immigrants to NZ. In 1995 the PTTGNZ affiliated with the APTTA, and began preparations to host the 1998 Australasian Convention. 


David Jenkin was elected President, and Graeme Harvey elected Secretary/Treasurer at the 16th AGM in November 1996, and are the current office bearers to date. Owen Bennett was appointed Convention Organiser, and the past months have been very busy preparing for Kiwi

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